Welcome to the Plastic Thomas Orchestra!
This musical formation was created to finally deliver some content that has been anticipated for a long time: Classical / EDM crossover music targeted at our main audience, consisting of cats, ducks and sketchy beings from outer space.
Freaky videoclips featuring our fans are created during our shows and published on earth to entertain those with a quirky mind and are used for medical studies as an instrument to reliably induce seizures.

The Plastic Thomas Orchestra is a formation around Plastic Thomas, a violin player and cat-trainer. He's currently trying to teach his cats how to play the violin but doesn't make much progress since those ducks keep distracting him.
Plastic Thomas is collaborating with a couple of other musicians, cat-trainers and duck-doctors.
"Phorsicht" is the latest incarnation of an ancient techno-pharaoh,
producing hypnotic beats which will force any cat into a frantic dance.
"Step Saturn" is a visitor from the outer rings of Betelgeuse,
creating psychedelic sounds which, like the quack of a duck, are unable to produce an echo.
"Marina Margaritta Colda" is a powerful sorceress,
wielding her voice like a wand to entrance any audience, human, animal and others alike.

True fans of the Plastic Thomas Orchestra will buy some merch at our Spreadshop and spread the love.